Sunday, May 17, 2009

Flufighters - Vaccination at work

Seasonal flu can hit your organisation hard impacting on your most important resource - your people.

Flu Fighters vaccination service can help save your business thousands of pounds in lost time and productivity from less than £15 per employee.

Here are 3 great reasons why you should call in the FLU FIGHTERS to vaccinate your staff:

1. We offer a cost effective and convenient service with clinical excellence at its core 2. Protecting your staff against flu reduces absenteeism over the winter, keeping your organisation running smoothly and saving you money 3. Offering your staff a vaccination as part of your well-being programme shows your commitment to keeping them healthy at work and at home

Whatever size your organisation our service provides the best protection against flu-related absence.

To book call 0845 521 0030 and let Flu Fighters help defend your organisation

1 comment:

  1. flufighters cost min. £400+ for vaccination of 17 persons at a place of work
